Thursday 7 April 2011

Catch Up

Hey guys, I'm sorry I've been M.I.A. for the past week, but here I am, 2 job applications, one 5:00 min french oral speech and a pair of bleeding tonsils later. My week was hectic and exhausting, and I haven't really gotten a chance to post anything. Anyways, some of the things that have happened, Young Life last week was awesome. we played games, had a talk and A-Wow bought me a McFlurry. Pretty awesome I must say. But what`s better is I went to campaigners on Monday, it kind of reminded me of cabin time, which is pretty dope. We talked about life, our troubles and we read a few verses from the bible. Whats even better than that? The leaders meeting after. Which consited of students as well. We decided to have a disney movie night fundraiser. Yes fundraiser.... all proceeds go to sending us kids to camp. The low down is, we are going to watch disney movies, possibly play games, have snacks, and stay the night at the church (a.k.a. not sleep). I hope it will be awesome, we also hope to have an event that includes other Young Life areas sort of like a Reunion BBQ or something
But anyways, time to get going
More posts soon

Monday 28 March 2011


Ok so I'm not going to say to much, just that I had one of the best five days of my life. I met amazing people, worked my but off for God, sang, and played games (including four square.) I am going to post videos of the camp and some of the people. So I hope you enjoy and I apologize for the quality of the film because I filmed it on my iPod.
I might explain more later, but honestly I'm too exhausted right now.
See Ya!

Monday 21 March 2011


I can't tell you too much about wYLdlife, because its for younger grades and I've never personally experienced it, but if you have a younger brother or sister, I suggest you get them to join this. They play games, talk about God, and basically do a lot of the same things as Young Life club, but for younger children! From what I have heard about it, it is an awesome club, and its the highlight of a lot of people's weeks! The kids still get to go to the same camps, just on different weeks, and the great thing is, the children get to experience YL for much longer than older kids. I wish I knew about it before grade 9, then I would've had so many more years of fun. Young Life has really helped shape who I am today. They gave me some of the best weeks of my life so far, and I excited for more! So I hope that everybody gets an opportunity to experience YL in their lifetime.                                                        

Malibu Young Life CAMP!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so I know I was a little late on my post, but I've been kind of MIA for the past week. But I thought I would finally tell you all what this whole countdown is about. In two days (Wednesday March 24th) I will be heading north to a Young Life camp called Malibu. Not Malibu, California, but this amazing place where you go and chill out for a few days. Well you don't exactly chill, it's a work camp, where we serve God, by getting the camp ready for the summer. There are various jobs up there, like moving a bunch of lumber, mixing cement, painting rooms, and so on. This Camp is really a chance to get to know god. Last year I went to this camp a little worried and not knowing what to expect. I wasn't really sure of who God was, and what he was like, but at the end of the camp I was well on my way to building my friendship with Him. Don`t worry though, it`s not constant work, you get free time and delicious meals as well. Now I haven`t really been talking about the camp itself. Malibu is situated in the Princess Louisa Inlet, 100 miles north of Vancouver. Malibu is a beautiful place. The mountains, and the inlet, they are all just fantastic. Nothing can truly capture the beauty of this place, you just sort of have to experience it for yourself! Anyways, I will write a post of my experiences when I get back, until then, GoodBye!